Turkish Kebap

Kebab is the name given to meat dishes that are eaten by cooking in barbecue, oak charcoal or wood oven and also in LPG today. The word kebab means "cooked, fried" in Arabic. Although most of these dishes are cooked on the grill, watery dishes such as tas kebab are also called kebabs.

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Turkish Delight

Turkish delight is a traditional Turkish dessert prepared with the addition of condiments, dried or dried fruit and similar substances to the delight of mass prepared with water, sugar, starch and citric acid or tartaric acid or potassium bitartrate.

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Döner ya da döner kebabı, Türk mutfağında, donyağı ve yerel baharatlarla iyice baharatlanmış dövülmüş et parçalarının bir şiş üzerine konulduğu ve dik olarak asıldığı odun ateşinde pişirilen bir kebap türüdürDoner or doner kebab is a type of kebab in Turkish cuisine cooked in the face of wood fire where the pieces of beaten meat, which are thoroughly seasoned with tallow and local spices, are put on a skewer and hung upright.

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